Boston & Beyond – Kevin Goodman & LLS

After being diagnosed with Stage 4 lymphoma in 2003, and while in treatment, I made a deal with God. If my life was spared, I would personally raise $100,000 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Indeed I have kept my word. I have raised significantly more than that to help find a cure by participating in […]

6 ways yoga can create a work-life balance

6 ways yoga can create a work-life balance work-life balance matters – bring yoga into the mix to be better at work So the internet’s definition of work–life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing between “work” (career and ambition) and “lifestyle” (health, pleasure, leisure, family and spiritual development/meditation). The good news is that we […]

Taking care of the community should be woven into the DNA of every company

Two of my criteria for contributing time, talent, and treasure, both personally and professionally, to a nonprofit and a mission revolve around whether the effort will give voice and whether the contribution will move the needle. GiveCamp is one such effort that does just that. In a web- and data-centric world, websites and online presence […]

“Empowering and Giving Voice to Non Profits in a Web and Data Centric World”

Two of my criterions for contributing time, talent and treasure, both personally and professionally, to a nonprofit and a mission is will the effort give voice and can the contribution move the needle? GiveCamp is one such effort that does just that. In a web and data centric world websites and online presence can indeed […]

Coding camps aimed at helping region’s workforce

  The interest in Information Technology/Coding in Northeast Ohio has been tremendous – we are delighted to announce that all five coding camps were filled to maximum capacity last summer. The camps will provide 40 hours of rich-technology programming (curriculum development support provided by Hyland Software) that puts participants in the role of creating and […]

Work Life Balance Increases Productivity and Profits

Work Life Balance Increases Productivity and Profits Many companies have taken note of the inevitable statistics and outcomes of out an out of balance work life environment and have added programs to help their company and thereby its culture, sustainability and ultimately its profitability. It is not unusual to see group exercise classes on site […]